Thursday, September 4, 2008


I fail to understand why spouses cheat on eachother. Today i fouod out that some close to me has been cheated on by their spous. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME UNDERSTAND CHEATIN. If you tell someone you love them why blatanly hurt them. Im my opinion cheatin is for cowards, who want to have their cake and eat it to. Cheater dnt understand that peopld get killed for cheatin(ever heard of a crime of passion). when u cheat you are disrespecting everyone involved. I'd rather someone break up wit me instead of cheatin on me. Because cheatin is a cowardly act. SICK OF CHEATERS


Anonymous said...

Yeah I hate cheaters. Why can't people just be honest with each other. I'll tell you what it is: men. They want their wife to have and raise their children, to take care of the house, take care of the man and basically be their slave then they want the girl on the side to be their sex slave and they will even go so far as to give the girl gifts and take the girl out and maybe even tell her that he loves her but they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Men are assholes.

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way you put the same post twice.

Don said...

My homeboy found out that his girl was cheating on him. I think cheating is something that cannot be avoided, with some people.

Mrs_ said...

you cant be that sick of them you helped one cheat!!